Log Into Your Account

Once logged in, locate the square icon representing your new card and click on it.

Hover your mouse over the card image. An “Activate Card” option will appear. Click on this to proceed.

To start making payments in shops or online:

You will be prompted to enter your 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication) code. Type it in to verify your identity.

With the 2FA code entered, your card is now activated and ready for funds to be transferred to it.

To view your card's PIN code and other details, click on “Card Details.”


This operation only activates the card for payments, that don't require a chip.

To make payments via physical POS terminals, you need to activate a chip in your card. You can do so in an ATM by entering your PIN and checking your card balance.

To add funds to your card, select “Top Up Wallet” located in the top right corner of the interface.